We are AFC, we are dedicated to reaching Arabs for Christ.
Missiontrips without the mission?
There are many groups that will send you to some exotic location, and take you to lots of scenic touristic sites, but not engage in the Great Comission that we are called to.

AFC is an organization that is simply dedicated to doing evangelism in the Middle East. You will find that this is what sets us apart from other organizations that might just focus on humanitarian acts.
Algiers, Miss I. Lilias Trotter: "Take it at its very worst. They are dead lands and dead souls, blind and cold and stiff in death as no heathen are; but we who love them see the possibilities of sacrifice, of endurance, of enthusiasm, of life, not yet effaced. Does not the Son of God, who died for them, see these possibilities, too? Do you think He says of the Muslim, ‘There is no hope or help for him '?
Evangelistic missions may not be popular much these days, but this is what we are focused on. Generally we do accept short term missions however, we have a long term vision.
We are not a big group, nor do we wish to become one. Our goal is to simply preach the Gospel. We want to see HIS kingdom built not our own.
We are not a short term group but we do take on short term missionaries. If you are interested in coming out for short term, be sure to check out Middle East Mission Trips for information about how you can get involved.
Recent Articles and Podcasts

Turkmania: a book about witnessing to minority groups in the Middle East. You can download your copy for free, or buy a copy for $5.00. This book would be useful to figuring out strategies that could work to reach out to people around you.
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Talk to other missionaries on the field: